Scholarship Empowers Students to Make a Difference

Five words from one of American history’s most famous speeches inspired Dalton Rogers to contribute to society.

He was called to public service in high school when he read President John F. Kennedy’s call to action — "ask what you can do.”

Research Universities Create Economic Spillover, Study Shows

A $1 increase in university spending generates an 89 cent increase in local noneducation labor income — evidence of a measurable spillover effect created by public research institutions, acco

Pioneering Economics Graduate Student at Tech Think Tank

For alumnus Justin Hicks, graduate school at UC Merced was a trailblazing experience.

Students Win National Marketing Scholarship

A group of UC Merced undergraduates was one of five teams honored during an awards dinner in Washington, D.C., earlier this month for submitting a winning proposal in a marketing competition.

Study: Urban Rail Reduces Carbon Monoxide Air Pollution

The opening of a major urban rail system in Taiwan caused a meaningful reduction in air pollution, according to a forthcoming study by two professors at the University of California, Merced.