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May 6, 2024

USDA UC Merced FARMERS fellows mentor El Capitan High School students pose for a group photo during recent event
In an exciting initiative to foster community collaboration and academic mentorship, the USDA UC Merced's FARMERS Facilitating Agriculture-Related Mentoring for Emerging Research Scholars Program partnered with El Capitan High School's Future Farmers of America chapter. This...
Cruz Reynoso, who has spent his life fighting for immigrants' rights, will be the 2011 recipient of UC Merced's Alice and Clifford Spendlove Prize in Social Justice, Diplomacy and Tolerance Quick...
From California's Sierra foothills to Sweden's Tyresta forest, the problems facing the world's national parks and reserved lands are immense and require a new way of thinking. Park leaders from...
It was 2003, a full two years before the UC Merced campus began its first academic year, when the seeds were first planted for what would become the Frontiers of Science and Technology lecture ...
Whether it's through art, film, literature, education, civil rights, food, or music, events planned for the month of February are a way to commemorate Black History Month and celebrate the...
A group of female students at UC Merced are determined to show that their college home is more cosmopolitan than many others might think. And they're doing it through fashion, with a plan to benefit...
MERCED — Leaders with the state and the University of California, Merced, today dedicated the site for the campus' fifth academic building, one that will expand the campus' research arm. The three-...


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