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Academic Distinction

May 15, 2024

Ceremonial groundbreaking for UC Merced Medical Education Building
University of California and campus leaders broke ground Tuesday evening on a building to be constructed of steel, glass and Earth-friendly electronics. But the Medical Education Building at UC Merced is also fashioned from decades of dreams and dedication of those determined to improve health...
A man in glasses stands in front of a monitor displaying desert scenes.
Professor Nicola Lercari is leading his students on a tour of Palenque, the ancient Mesoamerican city that flourished at the peak of Maya civilization. They’re exploring the altar atop the...
With race, immigration, rising inequality, gender discrimination and collective mobilization grabbing current headlines, the work of the UC Merced sociology unit — always relevant locally...
Outstanding contributions in service to professional organizations, academic institutions and the advancement of criminal justice have earned Graduate Dean Marjorie Zatz the Julius Debro Award from...
Professor Laura Giuliano isn’t the only female economics faculty member at UC Merced, but she is the only faculty member who worked in the Obama administration before joining the campus. As a...
Topics ranging from ethnobotany, public health and feminism to agriculture, urban growth and social movements are among the highlights of the Mesoamerican Studies Center’s upcoming conference...
Students Michael Grey and Elspeth Beardsley.
More than 22,000 students applied to UC Merced for the Fall 2017 semester, and about 2,300 are now beginning their educational journeys on campus. Among those, 24 rose to the top of the class to be...
Students and faculty member testing brain-scanning device
Like anyone starting a Ph.D. program, Anna Ankirskaia had her doubts. But, like anyone who ultimately completes their Ph.D., Ankirskaia had to conduct her own research and get it published. With...
A female teacher writing on a white board.
It was only after graduate school, while working as a professor, that James Zimmerman realized something had been missing from his education. Trained as a nuclear scientist, Zimmerman was well-...
Chris Fradkin
It’s not easy to be a college student these days. Rising tuition has made obtaining a degree feel like more of a dream than reality for many students. Yet, now more than ever, a college degree...


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