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Campus Honors Impact of Top Donors at Annual Event

Campus supporters, administrative and academic leadership, faculty members, students and alumni gathered for UC Merced’s Celebration of Philanthropic Leaders event, held March 19 to recognize the campus’s annual giving and leadership donors.

Biomedical Researcher Earns Respected Keck Award

Professor Victor MuñozProfessor Victor Muñoz’s novel approach to advancing biomedical research has earned him the campus’s first prestigious Keck Award, including $1 million over the next five years.

Three Students Awarded Global Food Initiative Fellowships

Isabella BeltranThe University of California has selected its second class of Global Food Initiative (GFI) fellows — including three students from UC Merced — who will work on projects ranging from food access to policy to waste.

Engineering Student Making an Impact on Agriculture

Rebecca QuinteRebecca Quinte is a mechanical engineer who is learning to apply her skills and knowledge in unexpected ways, and that could end up benefitting farmers in the Central Valley and beyond.

GEM Consortium Brings New Fellowship Opportunities

New fellowship opportunities are available to undergraduate and graduate students from underrepresented groups in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields at UC Merced, thanks to the university’s recent acceptance as a member in the National GEM Consortium.

Researcher Wins Fulbright Award to Study Himalayan Hydropower

David RheinheimerUC Merced researcher David Rheinheimer has seen the Himalayas from many angles — from his home on the Yangtze River, from the foothills as a student in India and from the Nu River in Yunnan’s Three Parallel Rivers area.

Two Grad Students Earn Prestigious NSF Fellowships

UC Merced graduate students Theo Crouch II and Lauren Edwards recently were awarded fellowships from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).

Six UC Merced Students Awarded UC Food Initiative Fellowships

As part of the University of California Global Food Initiative, 54 students — including six from UC Merced—have been awarded fellowships to fund projects that will address issues ranging from community gardens and food pantries to urban agriculture and food waste.

Campus Seeks Students to Address Critical Food Issues

UC Merced is recruiting three students to be part of the UC Global Food Initiative, which aims to address how to sustainably and nutritiously feed a world population expected to reach 8 billion by 2025.

The campus has three $2,500 food fellowships open to undergraduate and graduate students, and applications are being accepted through Sept. 30 on Chancellor Dorothy Leland's website. The recipients will be announced in mid-October. The proposal will be evaluated on how they can advance the UC Global Food Initiative.