Environmental Research

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UC Merced Water Research Earns Share of $50 Million Grant

The University of California, Merced, just became part of a massive, five-year, multi-million-dollar international research consortium that tackles water-related aspects of energy production and use.

Engineering Student Making an Impact on Agriculture

Rebecca QuinteRebecca Quinte is a mechanical engineer who is learning to apply her skills and knowledge in unexpected ways, and that could end up benefitting farmers in the Central Valley and beyond.

UC Solar Symposium Focuses on Innovations and Policy

California Public Utilities Commission Commissioner Liane Randolph will offer the opening remarks at this year's UC Solar Research Symposium in San Francisco, scheduled for Oct. 16.

UC Solar, based at UC Merced, will present a variety of speakers and activities on solar-related innovations, policy, the political and economic climate, and more. Presentations will include:

Get Involved With Sustainability This Fall

Students have many opportunities to get involved with sustainability-oriented activities on campus.After such a hot summer, a cool campus will be a welcome change this fall.

UC Merced Researchers Gathering Data to Tackle California’s Water Crisis on Multiple Fronts

Note: This story originally ran in the Fall 2015 issue of UC Merced Magazine.

By Joel Patenaude

California, long envied by the rest of the country for its climate, beauty and natural resources, is four years into a drought and in the midst of a water crisis a century in the making.

With Gov. Jerry Brown imposing mandatory water restrictions on residents, the state’s staggeringly complex water woes have taken the sheen off at least some of the California dream.

Humanities Center Aims to Bring Depth to Water Issues

Ignacio López-Calvo will serve as the new director of the Center for the Humanities.Open any newspaper — or news website — and you’re likely to see at least one article about California’s wat

Climate Scientist Aims to Change National Dialogue, One Story at a Time

Climate scientist Emmanuel Vincent noticed climate change discussions in Europe had become somewhat politically polarized before he left France a few years ago, and found the same situation on a larger scale when he came to America.