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A Message from Chancellor Kang To Campus Community

July 9, 2009

MERCED, CA— A news story today (July 9)
calls attention to a letter written by a small group of faculty at
the UC San Diego campus that broaches several suggestions to the UC
Office of the President (UCOP) and the Board of Regents regarding
resource allocation during this very difficult economic climate.
One of the suggestions entails shifting resources away from three
smaller UC campuses — including UC Merced — in order to
reduce impacts to the larger campuses.

The letter was submitted independently and without the support
of UC San Diego’s Academic Senate or administration. It is one of
thousands of communications submitted by employees to campus and
University leadership regarding suggestions to address the fiscal
crisis confronting the state.

I write to you today to reaffirm my belief that UC Merced, as
the 10
thand newest campus of the prestigious University of
California system, is making great strides as it develops into a
full research university campus. That sentiment is fully embraced
by UC President Mark G. Yudof, as indicated in the
letterissued today.

In 20 years, UC Merced will be a thriving research university
with 25,000 students, a mix of highly-regarded professional schools
and research institutes, even more world-class faculty, highest
caliber staff, and an innovative, student-centered learning
environment widely acknowledged as the prototype for higher
education in the 21

It’s because of the work you do today and the loyalty you’ve
displayed since joining our campus that I am able to articulate
that vision with confidence. I very much appreciate your efforts as
UC Merced continues to develop into a mature, top quality research university.