Arts and Culture

merced theatres art kamangar center photo

New Art Gallery Showcases Student Photography

UC Merced can add another first to its list — dedicated space for an art gallery.

Yale's World-Renowned Singing Group to Perform on Campus

The Whiffenpoofs, Yale University's world-famous a cappella singing group, will make history when it performs this fall at the University of California, Merced. It will be the group's first visit to the San Joaquin Valley, and their first performance at any UC campus.

"This is an exciting event for UC Merced," said Gail Benedict, producing manager for Arts UC Merced Presents. "If you like the TV show 'Glee,' you will love the Whiffenpoofs, because the Warblers on 'Glee' were modeled after the Whiffenpoofs. I am very proud that Merced is the first UC to host the Whiffenpoofs."

Summer a Time to Focus on Innovative Research

Summer a Time to Focus on Innovative Research

Studying ancient remains, exploring caves, publishing books, leading workshops and presenting papers are just a handful of the things that will keep faculty busy this summer in the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts.