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University Adds Four Minors in Expansion of Programs

April 28, 2010

April 28, 2010

Quick Facts
  • UC Merced has added minors in Chicano/a studies, public health,
    chemical sciences, and environmental sciences and sustainability.
  • The university now offers 19 majors and 22 minors through its
    three schools.
  • The new programs will be available in fall 2010.

Beginning in the fall, students will be able to minor in
Chicano/a studies, public health, chemical science, and
environmental sciences and sustainability.

MERCED — The University of California, Merced, has added
four minors this year to its slate of academic offerings.

Beginning in fall 2010, students will be able to minor in
chemical sciences and environmental sciences and sustainability,
both offered though the School of
. Minors in Chicano/a studies and public health will be
offered through the School of
Social Sciences, Humanities and

“These minors represent UC Merced’s commitment to cutting-edge
programs that will prepare students to tackle some of society’s
most challenging problems,” said Maria Pallavicini, dean of the
School of Natural Sciences. “The chemical sciences minor enables
students in multiple majors to broaden and enhance their knowledge
in a disciplinary area that is fundamental to the world in which we
live. The environmental sciences and sustainability minor
exemplifies the campus’ commitment to educating students to be
stewards of the Earth.”

UC Merced now offers 19

and 22

through its three schools,
Engineering, Natural
Sciences, and Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts.

“There has been great interest from students in adding these
programs to our university,” said Mark Aldenderfer, dean of the
School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts. “With an underlying
emphasis on interdisciplinary studies, we think these minors will
help produce well-rounded graduates with knowledge that will
benefit them in the next chapter of their lives.”

The chemical sciences minor will teach students to describe the
major concepts and theoretical principles in chemistry. They will
also be able to identify the central ideas underlying the principal
subfields of chemistry — analytical, inorganic, organic and
physical chemistry — as well as the broader interdisciplinary
subfields of biological, environmental and materials chemistry.

The environmental science and sustainability minor will give
students the knowledge and techniques to gather and report
environmental data using appropriate measurement tools. Students
will also be able to analyze information on environmental quality
and recommend appropriate technical, political or economic
solutions to environmental problems.

The Chicano/a studies minor will have students explore and
address many questions, including the role that race and ethnicity
play and have played in shaping the experiences of different ethnic
groups in the United States, with an emphasis on Chicanos/as.
Students will also explore the dynamics of migration and
immigration, along with the ensuing changes in identity, language,
social and cultural practices, and national (or transnational) allegiances.

The public health minor — an interdisciplinary program
that draws on the natural and social sciences and humanities
— includes a focus on health disparities observed in
different groups, sometimes related to economic resources and
race/ethnicity. Public health issues and outcomes touch the lives
of people throughout the world through activities ranging from
basic research to frontline efforts, such as vaccination programs.