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UC Merced Presents Fourth Year of Summer Courses at Fresno, Bakersfield and Atwater Centers

April 15, 2003

MERCED, CA — Registration opens today (April 15, 2003) for the fourth annual University of California, Merced Summer Session, featuring an expanded assortment of UC courses presented at UC Merced's educational and outreach centers in Fresno, Atwater and Bakersfield for the benefit of students in the San Joaquin Valley.

Working in partnership with UC Davis, UC Merced is offering two sessions and 12 lower-division courses for UC Davis credit including biology, chemistry, microeconomics, macroeconomics, calculus, discoveries and concepts in nutrition, psychology, public speaking, cultural anthropology, literature, chicana/o studies and musical literature. Highly qualified faculty from UC campuses and other local institutions of high education will teach all of the courses.

Summer Session One runs from June 23 through August 1. Summer Session Two will run August 4 through September 12. Final course offerings are dependent on number of enrollments; therefore, students are encouraged to apply early. The registration deadline for Summer Session One is June 13 and July 25 for the second session.

“These summer courses are part of UC Merced's ongoing effort to increase Valley students' access to the University of California and the availability of UC programs in the region as we progress toward the official opening of the main UC Merced campus,” said Helen Sullivan, Co-Director of Summer Session and Director of Professional Studies. “We are especially excited to offer an opportunity for newly admitted UC students to get their first experience with UC courses and for current UC students to fulfill general education requirements at locations close to their homes.”

UC credit is available for three to five units with fees ranging from $255 to $425 per course for UC students, which may be slightly higher for non-UC students. Eligible students also can apply for financial assistance through the UC Merced Chancellor's Summer Scholarship Program. Scholarship recipients will be able to attend one UC Merced summer course and obtain the required textbooks for that course free of charge.

In addition to current UC students, incoming high school seniors, recent high school graduates and community college students are encouraged to enroll in the summer courses.

High school students must submit a letter from their school principal or counselor documenting their grade point average and recommending them for college-level study to enroll. Other San Joaquin Valley residents who are at least 18 years old and are prepared for university-level coursework also are welcome to register for the UC Merced Summer Session courses.

Featuring high-caliber faculty throughout, the summer sessions will include some courses taught in the traditional classroom style, while other courses will leverage the latest in technology to maximize student participation via two-way, live videoconferencing and online discussions.

Information about the 2003 UC Merced Summer Session courses, as well as applications, are available online at <>. Anyone interested in more information, eligibility guidelines for scholarships and UC Merced Summer Session catalogs are encouraged to contact Shannon Adamson, Summer Session Coordinator, at (559) 241-7407 or

UC Merced, the 10th campus of the University of California system, is the first major research university to be built in the United States in the 21st century. Currently employing approximately 110 educators and professionals, UC Merced has a special mission to serve the educational needs of the San Joaquin Valley. The University's main campus in Merced is scheduled to open in 2004 to serve 1,000 students. Over the coming decades, the campus is expected to grow to a student population of 25,000. UC Merced contributes to educational access through the entire San Joaquin region via educational and outreach centers in Fresno and Bakersfield, and the Tri-College Center in Merced.

Brenda Ortiz

Senior Public Information Representative

Office: (209) 228-4203

Mobile: (209) 628-8263